Tuesday, March 24, 2009

30% tax credit for the installation of geothermal HVAC systems

Long Term Value

Quality, value and environmentally sensitive minded homeowners and builders increasingly are choosing geothermal HVAC systems. These systems provide heating, cooling as well as domestic hot water for their homes.
By adding a geothermal system, builders will enhance the appeal of any new home or remodeling project. Homeowners benefit from receiving heating, cooling and hot water heating in one compact, indoor unit - with savings of up to 70 percent.

Proven Technology

Geothermal is a proven technology - more than ever, homeowners nation wide are using geothermal systems. Many new subdivisions are being built entirely with geothermal energy by pre-installing earth loop systems before the homes are built. This is a very cost-effective installation method for geothermal systems.Because of the inherent benefits of geothermal, builders easily can increase the overall energy efficiency of their homes These systems also help builders gain an advantage in today's energy-conscious, environmentally sensitive market.

30% Tax Credit for New Homes or Retro Fit Installations
The Energy Star program endorses and recognizes geothermal HVAC systems as the most efficient, environmentally friendly available. The "2009 Stimulus Bill" is giving the homeowner a 30% tax credit for the installation of geothermal systems (with out a cap on the credit). This tax credit applies to the entire costs to install the geothermal HVAC system, as well as the costs associated with the installation of the loop field and powering the equipment! A typical payback period for the system is reduced by years and will depend on the fossil fuel it is replacing. Geothermal systems offer increased energy efficiency because they move heat, rather than create it. For each unit of energy used, a geothermal systems generates three or four units.

For more on the tax credit issue, click here http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_tax_credits

Builder Bob http://www.bmichels-const.com/

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