
This is a picture of the mechanical room of the home in post #1, located in Stillwater, Minnesota. The room looks like the inside of a submarine- compact and organized. All mechanical rooms should be neat and organized. The components are identified below.
Water to air heat pumpThe water to air Heat pump is the white cabinet on the left of the photo. You can see the two insulated lines coming down from the ceiling that circulate the antifreeze solution from the loop field outside through the heat pump's heat exchanger plate. The lines going down are the refrigerant lines that are exchanging heat with the anti freeze solution, and are connected directly to the heat pump on the inside of the cabinet. The heated refrigerant is circulated through a "radiator" in the upper section of the cabinet. Air from the return registers in the home is pulled through the "radiator and heated. The heated air is then forced through the supply registers through out the house. The heat pump has a two stage compressor for efficiency. The blower motor is a variable
speed motor to conserve electricity . The copper lines on the left connect the de-superheater to the water heater pre- heat tank.
Steam HumidifierThe small box mounted on the duct-work near the ceiling is the steam humidifier. Geothermal heating is done at a lower temperature than fossil fuel combustion heating. The air returning from the house passes though a large surface coil that is heated by hot refrigerant from the heat pump. The air moves slower and at a greater volume through a geothermal air handler than through a fossil fuel combustion furnace. Traditional humidifiers spray a mist of water, steam is absorbed more easily by the lower temperature air of the geothermal heat system.
Back up natural gas furnace and "switchable electrical service"
The grey cabinet to the right of the water to air heat pump is a 96% efficient natural gas furnace. The heat pumps and the water heater is connected to Xcel Energy's "switchable electric meter socket" Excel Energy can switch off the electricity to the heat pumps and the water heater during times of peak demand in the summer and the winter. In the winter, it can be off for up to 6 hours. During this time, the natural gas furnace is given the job to heat the home by a panel on the Water to air heat pump. It is a seamless transition.
The water heater is large enough to handle being off for 6 hours as there are 110 gallons of 130 degree water in the tank.
In the summer, Excel Energy can "toggle" the power during times of peak demand causing the cooling function to turn on and off in 15 minute intervals. The house is very tight and well insulated, so the occupants do not feel this happening.
Domestic hot water indirect preheat tank
The 50 gallon domestic hot water pre -heat tank is the first tank to the right of the back up furnace. Cold well water is pre -heated in the tank to 110 degrees by the circulation of the water in the tank through the de-superheater. Preheated water then passes to the 110 hot water heater down line.
In floor heat buffer tank and water to water heat pumpThe in floor heat buffer tank is where antifreeze solution returning from the in floor hydronic heat tubes (in floor heat) is stored; and indirectly heated by the water-to-water heat pump (low white cabinet to the right). A series of pumps circulate the antifreeze solution to the 5 zones (basement floor, garage floor, mud room floor, master bath floor and pub floor).
The water to water geothermal heat pump is the low white cabinet to the right of the two tanks described above. This heat pump is taking heat from the loop field and transferring it to the buffer tank. It will heat the antifreeze in the buffer tank to 110 degrees and maintain that temperature for the in floor heating system.
"Marathon" 110 gallon electric hot water heater
The "Marathon" 110 gallon water heater is filled with 110 degree pre heated water from the pre-heat tank. The "Marathon” electric hot water heater is connected to the switchable electric service and uses .053 cent electricity (off peak) to heat the domestic hot water to 130 degrees for use in the home. It is the most efficient hot water heater on the market (EnergyStar Rating).
In a future post I will cover a geothermal retro-fit of a home in North Oaks. Two natural gas furnaces were replaced with water to air geothermal heat pumps using a vertical loop system.
Builder Bob