The third retrofit was unique. As part of a whole house remodeling project, we added a indoor pool room ( Natatorium). The pool has a beach entry and disappearing edge near a glass wall. The house and pool are heated with a geothermal system. Please look for a separate post regarding this system.
1. 4800 sq ft home built in 2001.
We were limited in space for the loop field as the home was built o
1. 4800 sq ft home built in 2001.
We were limited in space for the loop field as the home was built o
n a lot with a very small yard. As a part of a basement finish, the walkout doors were re located to an area where the footings had to be under-pinned. Since the back yard was to be landscaped in conjunction with the project, it was logical to locate the 5-ton vertical loop field in this area.
In addition to the loop field,a five ton water to water heat pump was installed with a water coil over the existing high efficiency gas forced air furnace. A new 110 gallon
In addition to the loop field,a five ton water to water heat pump was installed with a water coil over the existing high efficiency gas forced air furnace. A new 110 gallon

marathon supe
r insulated electric hot water heater connected to the de-superheater provides ample hot water for the 2 adults and three teen aged occupants. A new 400 amp elect
rical service with off peak metering provides half price electricity to run the geothermal system
2. 8000 sq ft house built in 1996.
As part of a lower level finishing, the mechanical systems of this house were suspect. We evaluated the cost to heat and cool this home using the present gas forced air heating system and compared it to Geothermal with off- peak metering service and geothermal with electric whole house rate. It was decided that the cost of the new meter would not be off-set by the electrical energy savings and the owner opted for the .02 cent per KWH savings for all of the electrical use of the home.
A 10 ton vertical loop field was installed in the back yard, two 5-ton heat pumps and two 110 gallon Marathon electric hot water heaters to be used in conjunction with the heat pumps de-superheater for domestic hot water.
As part of a lower level finishing, the mechanical systems of this house were suspect. We evaluated the cost to heat and cool this home using the present gas forced air heating system and compared it to Geothermal with off- peak metering service and geothermal with electric whole house rate. It was decided that the cost of the new meter would not be off-set by the electrical energy savings and the owner opted for the .02 cent per KWH savings for all of the electrical use of the home.
A 10 ton vertical loop field was installed in the back yard, two 5-ton heat pumps and two 110 gallon Marathon electric hot water heaters to be used in conjunction with the heat pumps de-superheater for domestic hot water.