It is my goal to provide information that will aid architects, builders and homeowners engaged in the design, building and remodeling of durable and energy efficient homes in an environmentally sound manner.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Wikipedia explanation of the HERS rating (energy efficiency of a home).
Air sealing a new or remodeled home.
Whenever I see an older home being remodeled, especially if it's an extensive renovation, I always wonder if the homeowners and the contractor know what a great opportunity they have to make the house tighter. Whether they're opening up walls or adding new ones, working in the attic, the basement, or the crawl space, air-sealing should be part of the scope of work.
Here are a bunch of reasons why:
1. Keep conditioned air inside. Air leaks waste energy. If you're spending money on air conditioning or heating your home, why would you want to make it easy for that expensive air to escape?
2. Keep unconditioned air outside. Air leakage works both ways. When a cubic foot of conditioned air goes outside, it must be replaced with a cubic foot of unconditioned air coming inside. That adds to the heating or cooling load of your home and costs you money.
3. Keep bad air out, and stay healthy. Not only is the air leaking in costing you money, it's probably not the most healthful air either - moldy air from the crawl space, carbon monoxide and gasoline fumes from the garage, dead animal parts from the attic, pollen from outdoors... You get the idea.
4. Keep moisture out of your walls. When it's hot and muggy outside, you don't want to pull that moisture into your building cavities and start biology experiments. When it's cold outside, the warm, relatively humid air inside can condense inside wall cavities and rot them out.
5. Older homes with diagonal sheathing are very leaky. For the past 60 years or so, builders have used sheet goods (plywood & oriented strand board mainly) for wall sheathing and subfloors. Before that, homes had diagonal 1-by lumber (photo at right). There's a lot more air leakage through the gaps between all those boards than newer, plywood-sheathed homes have. Same goes for floors. Seal 'em up! Once you close up those walls, you've missed your chance.
6. Window and door openings are major air leakage sites in walls. Whether you replace windows and doors or not, you may well have access to the gaps between the window or door frame and the wall framing. Use an air barrier material (not fiberglass or cellulose!) to fill those gaps.
7. Those walls, floors, and ceilings may not have been open for decades, and when you're done, they'll be closed up for decades again. Don't miss this opportunity. If you're already in there doing remodeling work, take full advantage. You'll be rewarded with a house that's more comfortable, durable, healthful, and efficient if you do it properly.
There you have it. And if you're still worried about that old myth that you shouldn't make your house too tight, well, don't. A house does NOT need to breathe; people do.
Use of color can add punch to a project
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Minnesota's Green Path-efficient durable homes for Minnesota!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Energy Savers: Energy Recovery Ventilation Systems

Here is an article about the use of a heat recover ventilator (HRV) in your home.
Energy Savers: Energy Recovery Ventilation Systems
Monday, May 23, 2011
A Wild Kitchen
"Needless to say, she became my dream client and I became her dream designer! Finally someone who's not afraid of color and wants to have visual fun!" explained Barbra Bright, of Barbra Bright Design in San Francisco, CA. Barbra designed this Dura Supreme kitchen for her client using a daring finish combination of cherry cabinetry with a custom, bright green paint.
Barbra christened this project "The Chartreuse Kitchen", because the color speaks for itself and was instantly recognizable by everyone involved. A referral client, Evelyn G., brought in a photo she had discovered in a European Kitchen and Bath magazine, with bright green paint and warm cherry tones. Barbra discussed with Evelyn what she liked about the kitchen in the photo. It was the combination of the chartreuse green paint with the cherry wood, in a traditional shaker door style. The door style was traditional but the color scheme offered a bold, fun and modern twist. "My first concern was that there was too much green paint. Was this color scheme going to be truly livable for the long run?" So Barbra suggested that they add more cherry cabinetry to ground the kitchen and use the chartreuse green paint as more of an accent. She explained, "I immediately thought of Dura Supreme cabinetry because of their quality AND I knew they would do a great color match."
Evelyn was tasked with finding the "perfect" chartreuse green paint color, one that she could live with and love for the long term. She brought in a small 2" x 2" paint swatch that was a screaming neon green. "I had a feeling that when she saw it painted on a larger sample, she would realize how neon and overly intense this color was. She didn't realize that what looks good on a small chip will look much different on 42" wide wall cabinets." With that in mind, Barbra went to the paint store to get a quart of Evelyn's paint and while she was there, she selected another color that she felt would work better for the long term. She had both of these colors painted up on a large board - and Evelyn agreed with Barbra's choice. "We went with my choice, and then sent the sample to be color matched by Dura Supreme's finish department. They sent us a half-door sample and the color was right the very first time! Barbra smiled in recollection and explained, "That's when this project became the talk of the finish department at Dura Supreme as everyone was curious about the end result." Barbra selected Dura Supreme's frameless "Alectra" cabinetry with a "Craftsman" door style for its contemporary styling. Cherry cabinetry with a "Harvest" finish was an ideal complement to the custom "Chartreuse Green" paint. This project was completed in January and Evelyn LOVES her new Dura Supreme kitchen and Barbra proudly points to this project with the daring color scheme as one of her favorites!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Retrofit Geothermal Systems We Have Installed
1. 4800 sq ft home built in 2001.
We were limited in space for the loop field as the home was built o
In addition to the loop field,a five ton water to water heat pump was installed with a water coil over the existing high efficiency gas forced air furnace. A new 110 gallon

As part of a lower level finishing, the mechanical systems of this house were suspect. We evaluated the cost to heat and cool this home using the present gas forced air heating system and compared it to Geothermal with off- peak metering service and geothermal with electric whole house rate. It was decided that the cost of the new meter would not be off-set by the electrical energy savings and the owner opted for the .02 cent per KWH savings for all of the electrical use of the home.
A 10 ton vertical loop field was installed in the back yard, two 5-ton heat pumps and two 110 gallon Marathon electric hot water heaters to be used in conjunction with the heat pumps de-superheater for domestic hot water.